Word Exercise: Triptych "Identity Through Social Mediums"

When I originally started this project, I was rather lost on what direction I wanted to go in. I wanted to make pieces that were relevant to modern issues and topics, so I took to social platforms for news. After spending a good portion of time seeking for a topic, I recalled that social media outlets are currently a widely debated topic in terms of both security and identity. That's when I came up with the three words depicted above.


  1. Just taking into account the words, I think that "conform" is the better of the three. I like one word sayings that are a verb because it can be seen as a call to action for the reader.

  2. I really like the second design of yours that talks about gender. The text was initially hard to read, but I appreciate the topic and overall design. I would say that you could incorporate the slogan "conform" into the gender design or vice versa, because it makes it more blatant propaganda.

  3. The "Conform" design is my favorite design of the three. I can immediately recognize the argument, and it seems the most blatantly propaganda.

  4. I really like the indentity design the best. I think if you are able to incorporate one of the other two into this third one it will push the message further. All three are very impressive they look great. I could totally get your message from looking at either if the three.


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